Private Session

Mukunda Studio or Live Stream:

The goal with 1:1 sessions is to create the most easeful way to ensure you maintain the practice for your well-being. We will review your interest and how to best suit these sessions to your personal goals. Adding the convenience of personalized  sessions, you’re more likely to make it happen and align with your health goals.

Schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation HERE.

The 3-Pack sessions are recommended as an initial way to explore the practice. On the other hand, you may want to dive right in and make the commitment with either the 8-pack or the 12-pack of sessions. Either way, the initial one or two sessions will include discussion time to ensure we create the most useful plan for you.

After your purchase, schedule your 1st session HERE.

Yoga is more than a series of physical poses and movements.  The South Asian tradition of Yoga supports the journey of self realization in the manner you are comfortable navigating. The path is intentionally varied so that the practitioner finds their own inner resource for grounding versus becoming dependent on a world that will always fluctuate. You’ll be guided to build a safe and sustainable practice on your mat, create a dynamic physical journey with tools to take the practice off your mat and into your everyday life.  The invitation is for you to design a doable way that will attend to your overall well-being for the sake of the collective.

Schedule HERE

Pricing and Purchase